Maurits Boettger
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Time Sales Online, Webshop, 2021
In our new webshop we offer custom solutions for your personal time management.

destino, destino, Film, 2020
With their voices, the Jaladores of South American bus terminals create an acoustic guidance system to draw passengers to the buses. However, the practical purpose of their cries is lost within the intersecting shouting of all the other competing Jaladores, and, in the ensuing noise, their yells become a rolling mantra of rhythmic and melodic loops.

Toauquix, Video, 2019
The suspension of place, through abstraction of names. A journey with the horizon. Watch

Nothing but time, Performance, 2018
Time Sales Ltd. deals with time as an art piece, the most ephemeral product ever. After specifiying amount and purpose, the customer sets the price he will pay for his time. Video

Real Time Delay, Intervention, 2018
We hear two versions of the opening speech for an exhibition. One version comes directly from the orator, while another is reproduced with increasing delay via loudspeakers. At the beginning the speech is still intelligible, but as the delay increases over time, sounds overlap and it becomes more difficult to understand.

Girasol, Apparatus, 2017
A sundial which, by always pointing towards the sun and never throwing any shadow on the dial, refuses to mark the passage of time. Diploma Thesis

Metrotom, Apparatus, 2017
A chaotic pendulum attached to a metronome, thus disturbing the regular rhythm of the metronome and creating slight but unpredictable variances. Documentation

Watch, Apparatus, 2017
The Watch poses the question of the rule over time. Anyone who looks at the watch stops its progress. But if you turn your back on it, time suddenly passes again unnoticed. Documentation

Tigers of the Past, Film, 2016
A short film on projection, anticipation, memory, past, and future. Watch Film

Audiotekt, Android Application, 2016
An Android Application that generates a remix from ambient noise based on the movement of the smartphone. Download

VThcierflih, 7 Videos, 2016
Tutorials from Youtube. Sound played forwards - Images played backwards. Singleshot. Playlist

A concave mirror in combination with a telescope enables the spectator to see himself in a mirage

11 Minutes and 49 SecondsA video essay about waiting time in Germany and Colombia. Watch Film